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It had a great and lofty wall and had 12 gates with 12 angels at the gates, and on the gates were inscribed the names of the 12 tribes of the 12 Colours on Each of the Four Winds of the Expanse.  There Were Three Gates of Acces Unto the Height of The Peaks of the Mountains of the Rose of Sharon Through The Sect of Cain, Sect of Seth, and Sect of Abel;  On the east were three gates, and on the north three gates, and on the south three gates, and on the west three gates.+14  The wall of the city also had 12 foundation stones, and on them were the 12 names of the 12 Months and Birth-Stones of the Years + Prepared by the Lamb.


Now the one who was speaking with me was holding a golden reed as a measure in order to measure the city and its gates and its wall.+  And the city is laid out as a square, and its length is as great as its width. And he measured the city with the reed, 12,000 stadia;* its length and width and height are equal.  He also measured its wall, 144 cubits* according to a man’s measure, at the same time an angel’s measure. 18  Now the wall was made of jasper,+ and the city was pure gold like clear glass.  The foundations of the city wall were adorned with every sort of precious stone: the first foundation was jasper, the second sapphire, the third chal·ce′do·ny, the fourth emerald,  the fifth sar·don′yx, the sixth sardius, the seventh chrys′o·lite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrys′o·prase, the eleventh hyacinth, the twelfth amethyst.  Also, the 12 gates were 12 pearls; each one of the gates was made of one pearl. And the main street of the city was pure gold, like transparent glass.


The Star of The Island of Hebron is the Moon of the Galaxy, The Rose Galaxy The Moon of the Universe, The Universe The Moon of the Multi-Dimenisonal Time of which is Relative to this Reality, This Multi-Dimensional Time the Moon of the Multi-Dimensional Times Within the Grand-Verse, The Grand-Verse of This Reality has an Infinitie Potential of Multi-Dimensional Times Indefinite and May be Looked at as The Diversity of Colours of which Are Many and Each Colour acting as if the Different Diversities of Physics and Diversities of Views of Realities, and as Colours Having Shades so Can be Viewed the Times Having Shades of Density acting as the Multi-Dimensional Aspect and Having Within it the Infinite Potential of Macro-Waves and Pulses of Time within the Verses of Each Multi-Dimensional Time, The Internal Grand-Verse of Which Houses an Infinite Potential of Multi-Dimensional Times  Indefinite Traverse and Act as High-Ways InterConnecting the Multi-Dimensional Realms, Kingdom's, and Cities Which Are Timeless in Nature as the 'Halls of Timelessness', of which Hold up the Holy External Land of Decoration Upon the Exterior of the Grand-Verse of Which House Tribal Trees of Inheritance and Mountains as High Places of Ruler-Ship of the Regions of their Pastures, Within Each Land of Decoration there are Ascencion Access Points through The Big Trees Within the Ascending Land's of Decoration; As A Seed Grows and Sprouts to Create a Tree, So May You Look As the Tribal Trees For Each Tribe, of Every Nation, Every People and Every Tongue, OF which Finds the Realization Of This Realm Merely Being the Sub-Realm of the Seed of Each Tribal Tree Which Can Be Looked at as Each Living World Being the Seeds of Each Tribal Tree To The Next Hight of Dimension, As as a Tree Splits and Branches to its End, The Leaves May Be Looked at as Cities of the Unified Kingdoms of that Tribe, and As a Tree has Seasons of Growth So May A Tree House the Many As if The transitioning Seasons as the Leaves Fall and Sprout a New, So is the Reach To The High Realms of the Land of Decoration, Beyond this Realm as If through the Fish Gate, When Climbing Through the Transitioning Progressive States of Life So Does One Progress Through the Gates of Progressive Ascencion Unto the State of Being Founded in the Realization of Finding Inheritance In That Land of Decoration, And From the Land's of Decoration Transition Through Maturity through The Goat-Like Gate, to the Ram-Like Gate, to the Sheep-Like Gate, to the Horse-Like Gate to the Sheppard-Like Gate to the Rider-Like Gate, Unto The Realization to That Land of Decoration Merely Being A New Sub-Realm of the Expansive Creations And Again Climbing through the Next Fish Gate Beyond the Tribal Trees To the Trees of Congregations, and Beyond that Unto the Tree of Nations, of Which Progress Within the Infinite Desired Potential Of Progressive Ascension...


The Grand-Verse OF This Realm the Moon of the Multi-Dimensional Omni-Realm of which Is Realized As the Same as the Times with Infinite Potential of Grand-Verses Within Each Multi-Dimensional Omni-Realm, And Each Omni-Realm  and May be Looked at as The Diversity of Colours of which Are Many and Each Colour acting as if the Different Diversities of Physics and Diversities of Views of Realities, and as Colours Having Shades so Can be Viewed the Times Having Shades of Density acting as the Multi-Dimensional Aspect and Having Within it the Infinite Potential of Macro-Waves and Pulses of Time within the Verses of Each Multi-Dimensional Omni-Realms Indefinite, the Multi-Dimensional Omni-Realm of Which Houses This Realm is the Moon of the Meca-Realm, The Meca-Realms Have the Sceptre of Each Meca-Realm with it's Peak/Opti-Realm as the Sceptre of That Which It Houses of Which Houses and Infinite Potential of Omni-Realms With Big Trees of Congregations, Acting as the Second Portent to the Next Land of Decoration acting as the External Meca-Realm, There are an Infinite Potential of Meca-Realms Within the Muli-Dimensional Infini-Realms of Which and May be Looked at as The Diversity of Colours of which Are Many and Each Colour acting as if the Different Diversities of Physics and Diversities of Views of Realities, and as Colours Having Shades so Can be Viewed the Times Having Shades of Density acting as the Multi-Dimensional; Unto the Ulti-Realm of Inheritance of Which Sits As the Foundations of the Streams of Infini-Realms of Sharon Each Aspect and Having Within it the Infinite Potential of Macro-Waves and Pulses of Time within the Verses of Each Multi-Dimensional Infini-Realm, Of which Within the Indefinitely Lasting Kingdom of "New Eternity" Within the External Indefinitely Lasting Kingdom of Which Is The Indefinitely Lasting Kingdom Of Sharon of Which Houses an Infinite Potential of Multi-Dimensional Infini-Realms Indefinite... Each External Aspect of Each Realm Takes the Very Best of The Internal And Utilizes the Most blessed and Beautified Pasture's the Most Blessed and Desirable Delights, Satisfactions and Pleasures, And From Internal Aspect of Each Sub-Realm their Is Utilized from Each External Realm Within Each Sub-Realm the Most blessed and Beautified Pasture's the Most Blessed and Desirable Delights, Satisfactions and Pleasures; And Within the External of Each Height God's People Will Take their Exquisite Delight in the Abundance of Peace and Satisfaction..


The Schemes of Which Are Attempted In Order To Bring Chaos, Destruction, Desolation's, Reproach, or Affliction to The Realms of Sharon, The Pasture of Topheniah Or Upon the Grand-Mountain of the Rose of Which Will Indeed Have That Scheme Brought Upon The Ones Attempting to Accomplish That Scheme Against the Holy Realms of Sharon; The Pasture of Topheniah, And The Grand-Peaks of The Rose as The Holy Ones of The Realms of Sharon Will Ascend the Peaks of The Mountains of the Rose In the Pasture of Topheniah of the Holy Ones Within the Inheritance of Michael of The Spirit Within Jon Alexander Morris; The Son of Man of the Head of Day's; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David; The Rose of Sharon;


The Seraphim, Teraphim, Chayot Hakodesh, TerOphanim, And Chayot TerOphanim Belonging to Chayot TerOphanim Michael As The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris Will Strengthen The Boundary of The Realms of Sharon And Pasture of Topheniah and the Peaks of the Rose; They Will Allocate Abundance of All That Is Good; Riches, Delights, Satisfaction, Food, Drink, And Abundant Peace Within the Lands and Pastures; Those Within the Realms of  The Rose Will Have No Need For Spiritual Armour; For within those Pastures There Will Be No True Curse, and No True Condemnation, The Inhabitants Will Reflect Blessings Upon and Off One Another and The Curses, Judgements and Condemnations will Not Take Hold of Any Within the Pasture and Rather Than A Curse; There Will Be Blessing... Rather Than Condemnation; There will Be Mercy... Rather Than Affliction; There Will Be Comfort... Rather Than Contention; There Will Be Unity... Rather Than Treachery; They Will Honour One Another... Rather Than Disloyalty; There Will Be Loyalty... Rather Than Faithlessness; There Will Be Faithfulness... Rather than Wickedness; There Will Be Righteousness... Rather Than Mistrust; There Will Be Integrity... What Is Decided Upon Is What Will Come to Pass, What Is Decided Upon is What Will Be, What Is Decided Upon is What Will Be From Infinite Desired Potential Of The Indefinite Unto Infinite Desired Potential of The Indefinite All In Complete Truth... By The Power of the Holy Shiloah Prepared By Source; Amen


The Seraphim, Teraphim, Chayot Hakodesh, TerOphanim, And Chayot TerOphanim, Will Prepare Sumphonies of Orchestrates Dimensional Fragments of Inheritance, And Utilize Them To Bring Abundance Satisfaction, Blessing, Honour, Glory, Dignity, Righteousness, Wisdom, Intrigue, Inspiration, Holy Influence In A Way To Bring Honour and Dignity Without Jealousy Unto The Holy Ones of The Realms of Sharon and The Mountain of Topheniah; The Orchestrates of Those Pastures Will Take Deilght In Blessing The Source Of Their Kingdom, And The Source of Their Pastures and Due to the Blessings, Gift's of Honour, Wisdom, Righteousness, Strength And Dignity Given to The Creator and One Preparing Thier Realms; The Creator of it Will Pour Down Abundanct Blessing Upon Increase; For As He Increases in Blessing; So Will It Reflect in Increases in Blessings Even Upon the Whole Pasture...


The Entire of Creation of All Seed, All Sustenance, Delight's, All Flocks of Living Creatures Are Prepared, Physical Robes, Spiritual Robes, Articles of Clothing, Physical Armour, Spiritual Armour, Physical Pastures, Spiritual Pastures, Saved and Kept in The Holy Shiloah of Dispensation and The Desired Sustenance, Desired Creation, Desired Temples, Desired Houses, Desired Mansions, Desired Castles, Desired Dispensation, Desired Flocks of Living Creatures Are Utilized within the Realms of Which Have Been Prepared by Jon Alexander Morris; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris; the Son of Man of the Head of Days and Placed within the Pastures Desiring the Dispensations Prepared within the Throne of Dispensation Within The Realms of Sharon From Atop the Peaks of Topheniah there is A Canvass Realm of Creation As Preparation Of Inheritance to the Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris; The Son of Man of the Head of Day's; The Rose of Sharon, Of which Has Passed In The Old, Has Come to Pass in the Now, and Will Come to Pass In The Decided Times to Come to Pass....


In The Pastures of Topheniah and If Holy Unto The Peaks of The Mountains of the Rose; The Attitude of the Inheritors within those Pastures Will Choose to Honour Eachother Rather Than to Dominate, They Will Choose to Bless Eachother; Rather than Curse Eachother; They Will Build Up, Rather than Tear Down, They Will Strengthen Their Holy Ones, and They Will Honour Their Source... The Activity Within The Realms of Sharon and Upon the Grand-Mountain of Topheniah Will Be To Refine Technology, To Create, To Build, To Serve, To Write, To Beautify, To Bless, To Transmute, To Repurchase, To Be a Source of Salvation, To Forgive, To Cultivate, To Plant, To Reap, To Dress, To Entertain, To Be Entertained, To Progress, To Make Holy, To Invent, To Manifest, To Dispense, To Plant Crops, To Sheppard, To Play, To Love, To Comfort, and To Assist... Even If it Is Not In The Heart of The Inheritor; The Activity of These Qualities and Desires Will Enlighted and Direct The Heart, There Will Be Little Need to Work or Toil As to The Over-abundance Within the Prepared Realms of Sharon and the Pastures of Topheniah and Within the Most Blessed Pasture of the Holy Ones of The Gates Prepared Beyond The Gates of Bethel Unto The Realms of Sharon unto the Grand-Mountain of Topheniah Which Are the Peaks of the Rose. No Treachery Will At All Be Found In The Holy Pastures of Sharon And Within the Holy Portion of The Mountain of Topheniah There Will Be Constant Intrigue and Desire to Create, Expand, Dispense, Give, Manifest, Reflect and Show Unconditional Love Within True Expression....


The Schemes of Which Are Attempted In Order To Bring Chaos, Destruction, Desolation's, Reproach, or Affliction to The Realms of Sharon Will Indeed Have That Scheme Brought Upon The Ones Attempting to Accomplish That Scheme Against the Holy Realms of The Realms of Sharon; The Holy Ones of The Sub-Realms of Sharon Will Be Brought into The Tribal Trees of The Pasture of The Land of Decoration, The Holy Ones of the Tribal Trees of The Land of Decoraiton Will Be Brought Into The Pastures of The Low-Plains of Topheniah, The Holy Ones of The Low-Plains of Topheniah Will Ascend the Peaks of Tophaniah To The Realms of Topheniah of the Holy Ones Within the Inheritance of Michael of The Spirit Within Jon Alexander Morris; The Son of Man of the Head of Day's; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David; The Rose of Sharon;


12 Birth-Right Gates of the Realms of Complete Reflection of The Peaks of Bashan and Jerusalem of Which Has Been Prepared and It Will Be Called; The Mountain of Jehovah, 'The Grand Mount Topheniah' Having the Pasture of  The Low Plains of Topheniah' and Having the Peaks of 'Topheniah' and the Big Tree's of 'Tithe'; Within a Reflection of With the Same Beauty, Glory, Foundation, Holiness, and Righteousness, Those Contending with Your Boundary Will Be Cut Off, And Those Contending with Its Inhabitants Will be Left Without the Any of the Blessing or Works Prepared by The One Loosing Creation...The Expansive Root To Its Grand Height Will Grow By The Design of the Fibonacci Sequence, In Eternal Expansiveness, This Kingdom Will Be an Infinite and Indefinitely Lasting Kingdom and it Will Not Wither Nor Grow Dim, Its Inhabitants Will Bring Joy to the One Founding it And They Will Take Pleasure and Satisfaction in the Everabundant Supply of All That They Wish to Take Delight... The Boundaries Prepared by The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris; Jon Alexander Morris Prepared For Gad'roth and Jerusalem Will Be Prepared In The Same Way In The Peaks of Bashan and the Blessed Pasture of ' Decoration and The Most Glorified aspect of the Kingdom, The Blessed and Holy Peaks of Topheniah; and The Kingdom Belonging to David of Which Was Prepared by Jon Alexander Morris; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris and Within the Pasture of Decoaration, of The Realms of Sharon there are Big Tree's of Tithe For the Ascension of It's Sub-Realms As Well as Having the High Places of Topheniah, Which is The Peaks of The Realms of Sharon of Which Ascend Into the Tribal Trees of the Pasture of Decoration Ascending into the Big Tree's of Congregations upon the Pasture of Topheniah of The Realms of Sharon As Well As Having the High Places of Topheniah's Grand-Mountains of the Rose Unto the High Places Belonging to the Source of Creation; The One of Whom Looses Creation, The God of Jon Alexander Morris; the Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris; The Son of Man of the Head of Days Entering Into His Concealed Realm of His Most Trustworthy and Beloved Associates


The Foundation of this Kingdom Will Last Even From Infinite Desired Potential of Realms Indefinite To Realms Indefinite and Within Having Solid Foundation and Abundance of What Is Good From Infinite Desired Potential of Times Indefinite Unto Infinite Desired Potential of Times Indefinite, The Seven Times of Seven Eternal Strides, And On the Seventh They Will All Pass-Over From their Rest in Peace, With an Abundance of All that Is Good; And Yet Others Will Not Soak in the Rivers of the Sub-Realm and Will Find Place in a Legion of Gibeah, a Legion of Gileah, Or A Legion of Gibeon, These Ones Will Rest In Their Sleep In the High Places and Realms and Will Not Descend... This Kingdom Will Bring Great Gladness in Progressiveness to the One Preparing it, And the Flocks of Peoples within Its Pasture Will Bring Abundant Joy and Bliss To It's Founder, And For This The Founder of the Kingdom Will Shower Down Abundance of All That Is Blessing and All That Is Good, and Peace Will Be Within the Boundary of This Pasturage and Intrigue in Spiritual Matters Will be Abundant, Love Will Flow Without Jealousy And With Trustworthiness Will Love Be Planted as a Root to the Kingdom and Its Fruit-age Will Bring Abundant Satisfactions in the Delights of The Abundant Source of Pleasure of Which Is Love, The Supply of the Kingdom Will Be Every Abundant From Infinite Desired Potential of Realms Indefinte And To the Infinite Desired Potential of Times Indefinite... And This Will Prove To Be The Thing Heard as Known as Truth in Other Kingdom's; For What Is Decided Upon Is What Has Taken Root And Its Sprout Will Not Be Cut Off; For Beyond the Root there is the Sprout, and Beyond the Sprout there is The Pasture and Beyond the Pasture There Are the Grand Peaks of Sharon, And They Will Not Be Uprooted Nor Will They Be Left Unstable or Unsteady, For The Foundation to Its Very Peaks Will Be Abundant of All Blessing and Abundance of Good Supply; From Realms Indefinite and Within Even Times Indefinite; By The Power of The Holy Shiloah Of Which Is Prepared By Source; Amen... 





The Dusk of The Male Pillar Will Be Known as "ELIJAH", The Dawn of the Male Pillar Will Be Known as "ELISHA"...
The Dusk of the Female Pillar Will Be Known as "VASHTI", The Dawn of the Female Pillar Will Be Known as "ESTHER"...




The Multi-Dimensional Infinite Potential of Infini-Realms, Having and Infinite Potential of Meca-Realms; All With Ruling Scepter Realms as Opti-Realms of the Infinite Potential of Multi-Dimensional Omni-Realms Having Within them An Infinite Potential of Grand-Verses as Land's of Decoration With-holding Tribal Trees and Peaks of Heavenly Mountains as Ruling Scepter's of the Infinite Potential of Multi-Dimensional Times Indefinite; With-holding an Infinite Potential of Diverse Verse within Each Times, Realms of Realities Constant Features With-holding an Infinite Potential of Living Worlds....

There Is A Ulti-Realm of which Merely Looks Upon the Multi-Dimensional Infini-Realms as Flowing Rivers of Infinite realms Indefinite Looked Down Upon By The Holy Ones Within the Ulti-Realm as the Ultimate, Infinite and Indefinite Realm of Inheritance.... Of which Manifests within an Infinite Potential of Diverse Forms of Expression; Of Which Is The Indefinitely And Infinitely Lasting Kingdom; Belonging to Our Lord of Spirit's Accessed through the Holy Gates of Hebron....

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